Birth of Romex

Birth of Rome

In May of 2019, I began a month-long Visiting Artist Residency at the American Academy in Rome, a research and arts institution located on the city’s Janiculum Hill. During this sojourn, I created an homage to the trees and history of this great city. 

Entitled “Birth of Rome,” this large-scale imaginary landscape was painted in pastel wash on Fabriano watercolor paper. Measuring 66” x 150”, it is my largest painting to date. If I’ve learned anything from the history of Roman, it is that “grand is good.” 

The final result was inspired by my time in the Eternal City. The lush flora of the Roman spring, influenced my palette, as did the dark green, terra-cotta and ocher colors found not only in ancient frescoes but also in the urban fabric everywhere.

There are two subjects in this painting. First, is my depiction of the parasol pines, Lebanon cedars, and cypress trees that grace the skyline. The second image, for you to discover, references a celebrated bestial sculpture from the mythical origins of Rome. She will emerge from the trees, almost like an apparition.

Once seen she cannot be unseen.

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© Kenneth Carbone Studios. Unauthorized reproduction of any image in any medium, printed or electronic, anywhere in the universe is prohibited without the studio’s express permission.